It seems that I have been making the biscuits (with the star-shaped cookie cutter) for over five years now. I am a creature of habit.
Last week, while we were in North Carolina, I was shopping in a sports clothing store on Franklin Street, and bought a cute little "Tar Heel Foot" cookie cutter. I didn't tell Dick about it - thought I would surprise him when we came home.
So, this morning was the debut of the Tar Heel Biscuits! (and just in time for the NCAA Regional Finals!)
They turned out super-cute! Dick loved them. I had the notion of putting a Craisin at the Heel of the biscuit to truly make it a "Tar Heel Biscuit", but Dick didn't like the thought of anything added to his biscuits. (like I said - we are creatures of habit!)
Here are the Tar Heel Biscuits, freshly cut, before being popped into the oven:
Out of the Oven:
Big Country Breakfast - new and improved! Now with Tar Heel Biscuits!
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