I received this thoughtful Thank You note from my young friend, Sophie, yesterday.
This is Sophie's first year as a Girl Scout, and her first year selling Girl Scout Cookies.
Apparently, Girl Scouts are taught that they should be the ones doing all of the work involving selling the cookies, not their parents. This is something that I hadn't really known before, because it was never made obvious to me.
Sophie and her parents are taking that rule very seriously, and I'm so impressed with how much work Sophie is doing by herself.
First of all, I got a message from her Mom's cell phone a couple of weeks ago. I was expecting to hear Alisa's voice (Sophie's Mom) but it was Sophie - asking if I wanted to buy any Girl Scout Cookies. I was instructed to call back (and ask for Sophie) or to send an email (again, to Sophie's email address) to place my order. I left a message with Sophie with my order.
When I dropped by their house to pick up my cookies, Sophie was there, ready with my order, telling me how much my total cost was. I think I managed to challenge her a bit when I told her that I wanted to add a few boxes to my order. :)
Yesterday, when I was at their house to pick up Sophie's Mom, Sophie came down in her pajamas (cute!) and presented me with an envelope. When I opened it, I saw that it was a hand-written thank you note. (the front of the card was a design that she had drawn when she was 6!)
This girl continues to amaze me. I look forward to buying more cookies from her, and watching her grow up into an amazing young woman. :)
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