I just did a quick review of my blog from the past years, and realized that I never do an end-of-the-year recap. Not that this will be one, but I did feel the need to acknowledge the term that I've been using for 2012: "My Renaissance Year".
It sounds so much better than "My mid-life crisis".
Not that I think I've been going through a mid-life crisis (at least not in a traditional sense) but I did make a conscience effort this year to revive the art in my life, which I knew had been gone for the last several years, and was sorely missed.
I don't make New Year's Resolutions often, but when I do, I take them seriously, and try to keep them. My resolution for 2012 was to get back into painting. It took me a while to get back into it but little by little, it did happen!
It started with when I streaked my hair blue. I'd been wanting to do this for such a long time, and am so glad I finally found the gumption to do it! I really love it, and plan to keep it for a while. (this is what I originally joked as my "mid-life crisis".)
Next up in Trina's Renaissance Year was when I was invited to participate in the Trans Pacific Art Show. My dear friend, Kimi, had arranged this show, which included artists from Japan and the Bay Area. I was so honored when she asked me to join. I dusted off a few acrylic paintings that I had and included them in the show. It was a great experience, and I was so grateful to kick-off the year in an artistic venture with other artists.
During the early part of the year, I experimented with some ginko leaves and acrylic medium on small canvases. That was a good start, but I was still having a hard time sticking to my plan to "do more art".
Dick and I travelled to Italy in late April/early May, and that had a big impact on my desire to paint more. We started off in Rome where I was in awe of so much of the art - especially the sculputres, then ventured to Florence, the home of the true and actual Renaissance. We completed our trip in Venice, where I fell in love with the Peggy Guggenheim Collection.
Within a week of coming home from Italy, I helped my friends at Adler & Co. Gallery with their booth at the SF ArtMRKT. Again, I was surrounded by amazing and inspiring art for several days.
It was at the Art MRKT that I saw our friends, Dean and Jose. I had known for several years that Dean was a very talented painter, but wasn't aware that he was also a painting teacher. After I completed my work at the Art MRKT, I checkout of Dean's website and found out that he offered private painting lessons.
...and then it all came together...
I started taking lessons from Dean the following week, and have been painting with him once a week since early June.
With his guidance, and exceptional teaching skills, I have completed 5 paintings so far, and am almost finished with another. This thrills me to no end.
Volland Raggedy Ann
Dick's Hat
Joy Glassybaby
Glassybaby #2
Starting in early June, I also started to attend weekly figure drawing sessions at the 23rd Street Studio. I've also enjoyed this immensely, and plan to continue with this as well. I know that having weekly drawing sessions has helped me improve my rusty drawing and art skills. I've also enjoyed being able to share this experience with my friend, Miguel!
7-minute pose
I have so enjoyed *finally* getting my feet back in the art world. I'm not sure where this will all take me, but I am certainly enjoying the journey and am learning a lot from it. It also reminds me of how much joy I get from creating art. I enjoy the process so much. I love getting lost for minutes/hours at a time. It's an exhilarating feeling, and I've missed it.
My thanks to my wonderfully supportive husband who gave me a nudge early in the year to paint again. He's been so supportive through all of this, and I can't thank him enough.
Thank you for coming along on this journey with me.
2012 was a wonderful Renaissance Year for me. I can't wait to see what happens next!!