We recently bought a new painting from the
Adler's Gallery and it was just delivered and hung today. As a painter, it takes a lot for me to
love a painting enough for me to want to buy it and hang it in my home. The two paintings on this blog post met the criteria. :)

This painting has a great story: Dick first saw it towards the end of September, and really loved it. At the time, we were still living in the condos, with no idea that we'd be moving any time soon. He loved this painting, but it was too large (56" x 48") to fit on any of our walls in the condos. Instead, we selected two other smaller paintings that we really liked.
Fast forward 6 weeks when we decided to buy the new house (which has nice, large art walls!). We realized we would actually have the wall space to accommodate the painting that Dick really loved. At the same time, we got a call from the Adlers saying that someone had just come into the gallery, who was very interested in one of the pieces that we had already purchased. (The Gallery was having a 2-month show with all of the paintings by
Kelly Reemtsen, and all of these paintings had remained in the gallery during this time.) Long story short, we sold back the two paintings, bought the one that we originally loved, and the Adlers were able to sell the two paintings to new clients.
Win-Win-Win. :)
So here she is in her new home. I thought we were going to name her "Bubbles", but Dick is still deciding. She looks great!

I had bought this next painting a few years ago from a local artist was selling a few pieces at Dolores Park. The top Northwest corner of Dolores Park is probably my favorite view of San Francisco. This artist had painted this piece on the back of an antique window (a technique that I love, and would love to try someday) and it is a painting of that gorgeous view from the park to downtown.
It was the first time I had ever bought from a local artist. I love everything about it. The medium, the technique, the composition and the colors.
This painting never found the perfect location to hang at the condos, and I'm so happy to have found the perfect spot (I think) for it at the new house.
It's not exactly traditional, but I hung it outside in the covered area of our front porch. I like how the window aspect if it plays with being on the outside of a building. It's a fun juxtaposition. :)
We hung it with security hardware so that it is locked in place, and can't be removed by any passers-by.

The house is really starting to feel like our home now. We hung most of our art over the weekend, and it really makes a difference. We've still got to put up our family photos, which we'll try to do later this week.