So far, the new house has been wonderful. We've had a few bumps along the way so far: the faucet handle in the main shower broke off the first night, the door handle to one of the bathrooms was broken, which we didn't notice until it was closed from the outside, and couldn't get back in (had to call a locksmith for that one), the tankless hot water heater has had to be restarted a few times... but the one problem that's been recurring, and really, the most annoying of all (to me, at least) is the ANTS!
We've spent 12 nights here so far. I'm going to guess that at least 8 of those nights, we've woken up in the morning to an ant raid *somewhere* in the house. First, it was in my office (ground level), next, it was by the sliding glass door on the main level (where the ants had found a barely open bag of cat treats), then the kitchen counter, the kitchen pantry, back to the kitchen counter, and again, the kitchen counter...
Clearly, we have a problem here. I've been getting (and using) all kinds of advice from my Facebook friends - most notably using windex and ant baits. Both seem to work, as the ants definitely leave the areas for the most part, but they keep coming back to the kitchen counter.
I think it's time to call in the big guns. I'll try to get some exterminators out sometime early this week.
This morning's ant raid was by far the worst: it wasn't just a trail of ants - it was more like an army of ants. We're started to liken the ants to the Orcs from the Lord of the Rings series. There are so many of them, and they just keep coming!! I'm beginning to think that there's a little orc mine underneath the foundation of our new home.
I guess you may be wondering what the ants are attracted to? Now, I'll admit that they have found a couple of things - the kitty treats the first day, and a couple of days ago, they found a barely opened bag of brown sugar. So there's that. But really, since then, we've been very fastidious about making sure they can't get into anything. Tupperware and Ziploc bags are our friends. Today's heavy duty raid lead from the base of the counter, up the side of the counter, across the counter, and into... the sink. Hundreds of ants swarming around my kitchen sink. With nothing in it. Really - I made sure to scrub it down last night after we cooked dinner. Stupid Fraking Ants!
Now granted, I know it's ant season - it's cold and has been raining a lot lately - especially last night. But still, I'm done with these ants.
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