Behold! The Toto Washlet is Back! Warm Butts Unite!
When we moved to the new house, we had a few friends ask if we were taking our fabulous toilets with us.
Now, this may be a very strange sounding statement to those of you who have not been to our house before, or who have not heard me talk about our fabulous toilets.
It's true: we had fabulous toilets at His 'n Her Condos.
What makes them so special?
Why, they were both Toto toilets, equipped with Washlets!!
What exactly does that mean?
Here's my blog post about our first Toto Washlet over 3 years ago. Basically, it's a Japanese-brand toilet that has several features: It has a built in bidet (for both front and behind), a dryer, and yes, it even has a heated seat. All of these functions are controlled by the toilet remote. Yes, my toilet has its very own remote control. ;)
Now, I'll admit, it's a funny thing to get so excited about. I mean, really - how many people talk about their toilets?
But it is a wondrous thing, and I've had many people over who will agree. :)
Oh, sure, we had plenty of non-believers at first. Both of my sisters-in-law were skeptics. Understandably, too. I mean, who pays this much for a toilet?! But they came out for a visit, and they both admitted that they missed our toilets once they returned home. :)
Anyhow, we'll be bringing over one of the washlets from the condos. (the other was a rounded toilet, versus elongated, and all of the toilets in the new house are elongated.) We just bought a few more for the rest of the bathrooms.
The last time I ordered one, I found a local plumbing supply store that sold them for 30% off retail. That was a pretty good deal.
Last week, when I finally got around to price-comparing online, I found that has them for 49% off retail! Woo-Hoo!
Warm Butts for Everyone!
The Washlets were delivered today, and Dick has already installed two of them. Go, Handyman Dick!
We've been in the new house for 3 weeks already, and I have to admit that we both missed our Toto Washlets! :)
..and remember: All Your Butts Are Belong to Us!
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