Today was my sister's day off from work, so she was able to spend the entire day with us. Fun!
We started the day in Chelsea/Meat Packing District where we went to High Line Park. This was the one destination that Jason told me we absolutely had to see while we were here. It was so cool! Basically, High Line was originally an above ground subway line that has not been used since the 80s. Earlier this year, it was reopened as a public park! It's fantatic - the best use of pre-existing public space that I've ever seen. The design of the park kept the original tracks, but used them as design elements amongst the plants. Really cool. It was such a unique view of the city. Also of note is the Standard Hotel, which stradles the old track. Apparently, it's turn into a Peep Show venue for people walking the park. Guests of the hotel have gotten into the habit of keeping the shades of their rooms open, and um, frolicking in front of them for the enjoyment of the pedestrians below. Hilarious. We did not see any peep show action today. :)
High Line Park from street level, with the Standard Hotel in the background.
Close-up of the plants amongst the old train rails
We had a great lunch at The Rocking Horse cafe in Chelsea - GREAT mexican food!
After lunch, we walked down 6th Ave all the way to Macy's. (I needed some lipstick!) ;)
We walked to Washington Square Park, which was just beautiful today. Lots of people out milling around, singing, dancing, etc., Very nice.
Dick and Trina sitting in front of the fountain in Washington Square.
The big treat of the evening was seeing "In the Heights"! My sister got us fantastic seats - it's her favorite show on Broadway right now. We really enjoyed the show - loved the music, the set and the choreography! Great show! Thanks, Sis!
"In the Heights"
We capped off our evening at a Cuban Restarant called "Havana Central", near our hotel. Delish! The meal was topped off by a fantastic dessert of fresh, hot churros. Mmmmm....
Dick and Tiff, enjoying the evening!
1 comment:
Hi Trina! Thank you for posting about your day and especially about your dinner with us at Havana Central. We love it when writers share their dining experience with the world!
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Thanks again for your comments about us! Let us know at about your next visit and we'll lay out the Havana Central VIP carpet!
Cecilia, Havana Central Community Strategist
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