Each year, Dick's work place throws a huge Halloween Party for employees and their families. I started going last year. Since we don't get any trick-or-treaters at our house, this is my only chance to see lots of cute little kids dressed in costume.
A couple of years ago, Dick's admin, Kathy, appointed Dick as the Emcee of the Party - meaning he welcomes people, tells them the schedule of events, but most importantly - he gets to Emcee the kid's Halloween Parade!
They set up a little stage that each kid crosses as Dick announces what they're dressed as. It's pretty cute - you can tell that all the kids are always really excited when it's their turn to cross the stage.
This was the first time I've been able to watch Dick emcee the parade. I was so impressed! He knew so many of the names of the kid's costumes - Disney Princesses, Sesame Street characters, Power Rangers, Curious George, etc., Pretty impressive for a man without kids! (of course, he's a big kid at heart, which goes a long way!)
Pirate Dick
Starting the Party
The Costume Parade!
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