We're in Cullowhee, North Carolina, where Dick grew up from 3rd grade through completing his undergraduate degree in Computer Science from Western Carolina University.
Several weeks ago, Dick received an email from the department of Mathematics and Computer Science of Western. They were honoring him with the first annual Outstanding Alumni Award for their department.
Dick was surprised and honored to receive this award (and even confirmed with me that it wasn't SPAM). He was asked to come to the school during Homecoming week to attend an awards ceremony, a banquet and to give a presentation to the Computer Science students.
We had already planned our vacation to go to NYC, followed by a trip to Chapel Hill to visit his family. We had to switch some dates around, but we were able to rearrange our plans to include a side trip to the mountains to visit the school.
I'm so glad that we were able to do this.
Dick gave his presentation to the computer science and faculty this afternoon. I thought it went very well. He has been working on this presentation for a few weeks, and worked quite hard on it. Everyone seemed very engaged during his talks, and had lots of good questions afterwards.
We got a nice tour of the campus before Dick's presentation, which was very nice. Dick's father taught at the University, so Dick and his sisters practically grew up there. There were several new buildings and many changes since he attended, and it was very interesting talking with the professors about the department.
Tomorrow afternoon we will attend the awards presentation and banquet. In the morning and early afternoon, Dick will have an opportunity to attend some of the computer science classes. I know he's really enjoying this.
I'm so proud of my hubby. :)
PS: Dick is very humble, and would be embarassed to know that I'm blogging about this. I'm too proud of him not to!
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