Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Finch Files feature The Immediate Impact Walk and The Snark Jar!

You may remember that I went out on a pre-season training walk with my team two weeks ago. We gathered early because we had an opportunity to be interviewed by radio personality, Peter Finch, to have our walk featured in one of his 3-minute podcasts on KGO radio.

Peter creates 3-minute podcasts called "The Finch Files" which highlight local human interest stories. Peter had heard about our local, grass-roots based Breast Cancer Walk (The Immediate Impact Walk) by one of our walkers, and wanted to do a story about us. He joined us for the entire 6-mile walk, and interviewed people along the way.

The podcast about the Immediate Impact Walk aired last week. I think it turned out great. Peter included interviews with three of our walkers, including Linda Imlay, who is responsible for creating our event.

Click here to hear the Finch Files Podcast about the Immediate Impact Walk.

While we were walking, Peter either heard me talking about my Snark Jar Fundraiser, or he overheard someone else ask me about it. He stopped me and asked me to tell him more about it. I tried my best to describe the idea as succinct as possible (I'm sure I was rambling...) but he said he wanted to learn more. He took out his microphone and asked me to explain it all again. He told me that the story of The Snark Jar may make an interesting story in-and-of-itself!

I wasn't sure if he was serious or not about airing it as a separate story, and had pretty much forgotten about it until I received a text message from my friend, Catriona, last Monday when I was still in North Carolina. Catriona said that she had heard the Finch Files podcast about me and my Snark Jar played on the radio! What a wonderful surprise!

The podcast wasn't put up on the Finch Files website until Thursday afternoon, so it wasn't until then that I was able to hear it.

Click here to hear the Finch Files Podcast about the Snark Jar!.

What a hoot! I'm really happy with how it turned out, and I think Peter did a fantastic job explaining the concept. You can tell that he even did some research as to what WGI is all about! Thank you, Peter!

I'm thrilled to report that so far, we have raised $565 from the Virtual Snark Jar, plus another $357 from the Snark Jar at my SF WGI Party, for a total of $922.00!! That's a whole lot of snarkiness, but more importantly, that's a LOT of money generously donated by my friends for a great cause. My thanks to ALL who donated to the Snark Jar!

You can click here to see and hear all of the Finch Files Podcasts from KGO-AM Radio

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