I bought my Blendtec from Costco in January, 2015. I absolutely love my Blentec, and use it for a lot of things including smoothies, hot chocolate, soup and Cappuccino Blasts. :)
A couple of weeks ago, Blane was over for dinner and I made hot chocolate in the Blendtec for dessert. We noticed a burning smell from the motor - not good. The hot chocolate also wasn't very hot. I looked it up online and found that the burning motor smell was a pretty serious issue that I should contact the company about.
I called them the next morning. Blendtec has an 8 year warranty and I was just less than two years into mine. They offered me two different options.
Option 1:
Send my Blentec base back, and they would repair it. I think it would take 6-8 weeks. Don't quote me on that. I didn't take this option, so I don't remember exactly, but it was pretty long.
Option 2:
Return my Blentec base, and once they received it, they would send me a new but refurbished base within 2-3 weeks (or something like that).
I use my Blendtec a reasonable amount and didn't want to be without it for too long, so I took option 2.
They sent me a prepaid UPS label and I sent it to them that same day. I received a new (refurbished) base and a brand new jar within two weeks exactly. Not bad!
The model I received from them is the newer model. I originally had the Classic 570 model from Costco. They sent me the 575. There are slight variations between the two.
The UI is slightly different. I loved the "hot" button on the Classic 570 model. That's the one I used for hot chocolate and soup. The 575 model doesn't have that. Instead it has a 90 second button that I read is the same thing as the hot button. It offers a few more variations of speed, which is nice, and also has a "clean" button.
The jar seems the same as my original, but the lid is different, and I think, better. It has a much more secure fit, and the way the edges of the lid fit onto the jar enables it to be better/cleaner when putting it off and on after using. My old lid used to drip a little when I took it off, and especially when I put it back on after using it.
I just used my new Blentec for the first time today. I made some hot chocolate. I used to press the "hot" button twice to make the hot chocolate hot enough. On this model, I had to hit the "90 second" button three times. Even at that, the hot chocolate isn't piping hot, but I nice temperature. I may do it longer next time, but that's fine.
One last thing, my original warranty of 8 years after the initial purchase date still holds for this new refurbished model, so it's still under warranty for another 6+ years. Not bad.
I'm very impressed with the customer service at Blentec and the ease at which I was able to get a replacement. Still love my Blendtec!
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