I caught up with my parents on the phone this morning for about an hour. Imagine my surprise when they told me that they were at AT&T Park Saturday night for Game 4 of the World Series!! How cool is that?! And what an exciting game to watch live!!
This afternoon, my parents sent me a link to this fun site that shows the entire crowd in the stadium from various games. My Dad told me which game they were at, which level, which section and which seats. I just kept zooming, and zooming and zooming until I was able to spot them! Cool!
My Dad's comments:
We’re at game 4 view 2, section 318 (just right of home plate) in the upper deck, row 7, seats 1 and 2 on the aisle. It was the third inning before the Giants rallied so we’re looking somewhat glum. Find your parentals!
Let's see how you do:
full image
zooming in...
have you spotted them yet?
there they are!!
Here are some photos that my parents shared with me from Saturday night's World Series Game:
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