Sunday's Route
It was a beautiful, hot, fun-filled, tearful, inspiring, emotional, exhausting day!
On day three of the 2014 Immediate Impact Walk, we finished another 15 miles, totaling 55 for the weekend. By the end of the event, we had raised over $146,000, with more money coming in even after the event.
As always, at the end of the event, I'm pretty exhausted, and pretty much at a loss of words. These women (and even a few men!) make up this event are just incredible in so many ways. Spending three days with these incredible people really makes you believe that anything is possible. I feel so very fortunate to be a part of it all.
Once again, we met at 6:30, and were on the road by 7:00 as the sun was rising. It was warm from the beginning of the day, and ended up in the 80s by the afternoon. We managed to stay in the shade for most of the route, and that helped a lot.
This weekend is Fleet Week in San Francisco! What does that mean? Lots of sailors, boats, planes, the Blue Angels, traffic and crowds!! We managed to avoid a lot of it, and even had an amazing view of the Blue Angels flying above during our closing ceremonies.
We'll continue to fundraise for 30 days after the end of the event. We are so close to meeting our $150,000 goal. I can't wait to see how this all ends!
Thank you to the amazing people who work so hard to run and organize this event (all volunteer). Thank you to the crew (all volunteer) who worked so hard to keep us healthy, hydrated, fed, and safe. Thank you to my fellow walkers for keeping me company over 55 miles. Thank you to my Mom, Dad, Sister and Brother-in-Law who came out to cheer us on at the finish line! Thank you to all of our generous donors who make this all possible.
Day Three Walkers and Crew ready to hit the road!
Amazing Sunrise by AT&T Park
Sunrise over Mission Bay
Walking along the Embarcadero
The Bay Bridge next to a huge ship
Posing with some sailors here for Fleet Week!
the beautiful Bay Bridge
Coit Tower in the distance
Thank you to all my generous donors!
I love this photo. (I took it, so I'm not in there!)
Tamara and Joe - our Moto Safety Crew. We love you!
Probably the longest continuous stretch of UP today was on California Street starting in Chinatown...
...and continuing in Nob Hill
Carol and I met each other over 23 years ago in color guard. Thank you to all of our pageantry friends who have supported us and our event!
We walked past the glassybaby store in San Francisco!
Thank you, glassybaby!
Linda gives some instructions after we finish lunch - on our final leg of the walk!
More stairs...
and more stairs
With our sweep van and staff at the top!
feeling mighty!
a beautiful group shot of all of the walkers at towards the end of Day 3
we are so lucky that we get to walk around this gorgeous City. There are always amazing sights to be seen!
another shot of the Golden Gate Bridge
we gathered just a few yards away from the finish line to wait for the entire group
Hot San Francisco Indian Summer Day
Walking to the finish!
The Blue Angels perform
My Sis and Graham - they've been married for one week!
So happy to be with my Dad, Mom, Sis and Brother-in-Law!
Linda, taking a moment to write out checks for our beneficiaries!
Linda speaks during closing ceremonies
Judy with her adorable granddaughter!
closing ceremonies
our survivor circle - I get emotional every time
Susan was raised the most money of the crew, and I raised the most money of the walkers. We were presented with cute sashes and some bling!
close-up of my bling
our fundraising total, as of 10:30pm, 10/12/14
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