My friendship with Kathy goes back at least 31 years - oh, my!
Kathy was a senior in the high school band. My sister was in Junior High at the time, but was also in the High School Marching band. I was Tiffini's little sister, and was around all the time with the band. I was 11 or 12 at the time, and was in 7th grade.
My memories with Kathy are really pretty special. She was good friends with my sister, and didn't seem to mind me hanging around. She often drove us around in her big station wagon, and we'd go off to grand adventures together. I remember 1982 as being one of my most favorite summer vacations.
Some of the things I remember doing with Kathy: she took us Great America, where she worked, and got us in for free. When you're 12 years old, that's pretty darn cool. She took me to the movies a lot. I remember seeing E.T., Annie, and I think The Goonies with her. I also remember spending the day at Lake Elizabeth park in Fremont with her. Kathy also had a very special pet- a Bobwhite Quail named Bobbie. I remember a few nights when she would let me keep Bobbie with me overnight. He was a super cool bird. Really special memories.
Kathy graduated from high school in 1982, then went off to college that fall. We stayed in touch a bit by writing letters, but I don't think we saw her much after the Summer of 1982.
After a while, we dropped out of contact altogether. She was one of those special people in my life who I often thought about, and wondered where she was.
Then came Facebook! Through the wonders of social networking, we reconnected about 4 years ago. We got together with my sister, Missy, and Kathy's partner, Michelle about 3-1/2 years ago. It was really so wonderful to reconnect with Kathy and to meet Michelle. Everyone was still so much the same - we've decided that the core of who we are really doesn't change from the time that you are kids. :)
Kathy and Michelle live in San Clemente in Southern California, which is about half way between San Diego and Burbank. When I planned this trip a couple of months ago, I figured out that it would be a great time and opportunity to see them. Lucky for me, they had room in their busy schedule, and we planned to meet up for lunch today.
We had such a fun time. Again, it was like no time had passed at all. Michelle and I became Facebook friends after our last get-together, and have really gotten to know each other pretty well since last time. It's like we've been friends for years as well! They even brought their beautiful doggie, Maya, to come meet me! I'm so sorry that Maya and I both forgot to pose for a photo together.
Thank you, Kathy and Michelle, for spending your afternoon with me today. It meant to much to me to get so spend some time with both of you. Hope to see you again soon! (and Thanks for the tacos!)
Kathy & Michelle
The Three Amigos
Oh, one more funny story about Kathy: Even as a senior in High School, I think she was the shortest person in the entire band. The year after she graduated, I entered Junior High, and was able to be in the band program. I was so excited when I found out that I could fit Kathy's band uniform! It was like she was passing down the torch to me.
It turns out that I grew a bit after that. I'm still not very tall, but am now taller than Kathy. It's a little funny to know that when I look at her, I can see what height I was when I was 12. :)
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