For those of you who don't know, I've always LOVED animation - especially vintage Disney. I studied animation in art school, and also used to work at a Vintage Animation Art Gallery. I remember seeing my first animation cell (from Robin Hood and 101 Dalmations) for sale at the Emporium Store of Disneyland when I was young. They were cheap by today's standards (somewhere around $20) but was too expensive for my parents to buy for me. (Plus, they had no idea how much I would love and collect vintage animation art as an adult).
Derek gave an outstanding Studio Lot tour. We saw the lots where movies and TV shows were being used for production, as well as a temporary outdoor set.
My favorite part was just roaming around the grounds, looking at all of the original buildings from the 1940s. My favorites were, of course, the original Animation Department Building, and the Ink and Paint Department Building. This is where magic was truly made for several decades. Even the architecture of the buildings was fantastic - great 40s Art Deco. Always beautiful. The buildings were painted the same colors as they originally were in the 1940s. Of course, these two buildings are no longer used in the same way as they originally were. They are all filled with offices now.
The original Animation Building
The original Ink and Paint Building
Derek brought us around to the front of the main building (which I forgot the name of! Shame on me. Not your fault, Derek. I promise I was paying attention!)
You'll see that the building has huge sculptures of the Seven Dwarfs "holding up" the building. This is a nod to the fact that this Disney Studio Lot was built with the money from the success of the 1939 Feature Film "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". Very clever.
Here I am with Terri standing on the Disney "Walk of Fame" in front of the main building
The Disney Walk of Fame is the walkway leading up to the main building. The pillars on either side are filled with plaques with the names and titles of dozens of artists, actors, musicians and business people who were instrumental in the success of the Walt Disney Company.
Many people are familiar with this statue of Walt Disney and Mickey. There is another copy of it in Disneyland (and I assume each of the Magic Kingdoms around the World) with the Castles in the Background. I thought it was neat to see one here on the Studio Lot.
A lesser-seen statue, which was one of my favorite parts of the tour today. It's of Roy Disney (Walt's Brother, and Business Partner) sitting on a bench with Minnie Mouse.
one of my favorite pillars in the "Walk of Fame". Four of "Disney's Nine old Men" - the lead animators for so many of the original feature films.
Once inside the main building, Derek took us for a tour of the offices inside. Being the Star Wars fans that we all are, he brought us to the new Lucasfilm Division. (We didn't go into the offices. Top Secret, you know!)
Derek and Terri with Yoda
We saw so many fantastic pieces of art, models, props, memorabilia and equipment from the classic days of Disney. We even went into the Walt Disney Archives Room to see their current show.
Any animation buff will recognize the Multiplane Camera. It was created by Disney and the animators to achieve the multi-layer effects in their animated films and features.
Props - The Wardrobe and Tumnus from "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
Inside the Disney Archives
Models and Miniatures - who remembers Vincent from "The Black Hole"?!
My guest badge for the day - Thank you, Derek and Terri, for the amazing tour! I LOVED it!!
After the tour, it was time to go to the Sporting Event of the Season! Terri and Derek's 9-year-old daughter, Maren, had her last Softball game of the season! It was the final game of a tied, 3 game season!
I told Terri and Derek that I was actually quite excited to go to the game with them. I used to play tee-ball and softball as a kid, and hadn't been to a game in years. It was a ton of fun to watch a bunch of 4th through 6th graders, who only had three games this season, play their championship game!!
Now, Terri and Derek, being the modest parents that they are tried to convince me that Maren wasn't a very strong player. That she only wanted to be on the team because her friends played, and that she wanted to ride in the team van with them to the games.
Well, let me tell you - in the 4th or 5th inning, Maren was up to bat, and hit a TRIPLE!! AMAZING! She also ran home and scored a run when the next person up at bat hit a single. VERY exciting!!
Maren's team won, and it was a happy ending to a very exciting game. I was so glad I could attend.
#11, Maren, up at bat - she's about to smack the ball and hit a Triple!
Family hugs after the game
After the game, we all came back to the house to celebrate with food from Del Taco. Fun times!!
Today was my last day with Terri and her wonderful family. We had such a nice visit together, and I will miss them.
Thank you all for two fun-filled, wonderful days. I'll miss you all and I promise that I won't take so long to come back for another visit!
one last photo from this visit of me with Terri, my best friend from first grade
1 comment:
The pleasure was ours, Trina. And it was the Team Disney building! At some point in our lives, we're ALL on Team Disney! Ha! :)
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