The San Francisco Susan G. Komen 3Day for the Cure is only 5 days away. Yesterday, our team, The Warming Hut Hotties, had our final long training walk of the season yesterday, and boy, did we go out with a bang!
Our training walk leader, Linda, planned a doozy of a walk to top off our season. We walked about 12 miles, and climbed lots and lots of stairs. We went to some beautiful locations where I (and many of our teammates) had never been. Most notably, the labyrinth off of Mile Rock Beach, and the Sand Ladder near Baker Beach.
We had a large turnout yesterday - around 40 walkers or so. So excited to have had such a large turnout all season long. Our total number of team members is around 70!
Team Leader, Linda, welcoming everyone to the last training walk of the season
The Labyrinth!! SO cool!! Hope to come back to this spot to meditate someday.
up, up, UP more stairs on the Lands End Trail
The very cool, very steep, very long Sand Ladder!! Big logs, connected by ropes, and filled with sand, forming a staircase. I held the rope railing and watched my footing with each step I took - didn't want to slip! Was concentrating so much on my footing that I forgot to pay attention to just how steep it was. ;)
We made it back to Crissy Field around Noon, where we celebrated the end of the training season with our annual "Walk-Luck" picnic. (Pot Luck/Walk Luck - get it?) What a great time it was - so many walkers and team members from this year, as well as past years came to celebrate. Amazing food (especially Lizelle's Mom's scrumptious skewers!) and great fun!
Lizelle, Tanzeem, and Laura with their skewers!
What a great training season it has been. Hard to believe that it's been 5 months since we started training together this year. Our first training walk this year was on April 2nd. (and now that I look at the photo, I see that the weather was much warmer and clearer back in April than it has been almost all summer!)
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