3 Day, 60 Miles. We did it again!!
After coming home last night, eating dinner and taking a nice soak in the tub, I was too tired to write my final blog post about the amazing event of the last 3 days.
It was an amazing 3 days filled with love, hope, compassion, and a whole lotta walking. I came home with 2 small blisters, 2 tired feet, and 1 full heart. In the end, the San Francisco Bay Area Susan G. Komen raised over $3.9 million! AMAZING!!
Yesterday was the 10-year anniversary of September 11th. We started the day by walking the first mile in silence in honor of all who lost their lives 10 years ago. It was an emotional way to start the day. I started walking with two of my closest friends, arm and arm with each other. As we walked that first mile, we brought in additional friends into our fold and linked arms as we walked in silence. We were all in tears. It added an additional layer of grief and hope to our day.
Flags at half mast down the aisle as we walked out of camp
the beginning of the route, and the beginning of the mile in silenceWe all boarded the ferries which took us to Tiburon. One really neat thing about this walk is that it would be the opposite route of what the Warming Hut Hotties walk during the Sunday of our
40-mile back-to-back weekend. We walked through Tiburon, Marin, Sausalito, across the Golden Gate Bridge, down into Crissy Field, and over to Fort Mason for closing ceremonies.
Some of my favorite photos from the day:
Love this shot. We had a couple of participants in wheelchairs this year
My friend Janine (who was part of our training group last year) at the cheering station with her daughter, daughter's friend and adorable dog!
Furry Hottie!The best surprise of the day came when I got a message from Dick that he was driving out to one of the cheering stations!! He met me along the route at a grocery store (two of my friends are vegetarian, and the vegetarian lunch options hadn't been very satisfying to them over the last few days, so we stopped off at a store that we knew and brought our own sandwiches to lunch.) Dick had lunch with us, and even drove a few slightly injured Hotties up to the Golden Gate bridge so that they wouldn't have to walk up the steep hill before crossing. I love my husband so much. Thank you, Dick!!

Dick and Trina at Mollie Stones
The weather turned out so much warmer and clearer than expected, and it turned out to be a gorgeous day! The walk across the bridge was just spectacular. SO much better than the cold, windy, foggy conditions last year.

View of the bridge before our walk up and over
The last Pit stop of the walk was in Crissy Field - so close to the Warming Hut!

View from the last pit stop
Our team waited for all to arrive and gathered together to walk the last couple of miles together.

A gaggle of Hotties walking towards Closing Ceremonies
Before Closing Ceremonies started (at 5:30) all of the walkers assembled in the holding area a few blocks away from the Marina Green.

Almost there!
Many walkers were able to see friends and family outside of holding before heading to Closing Ceremonies.

My dear friend, Alisa, and her beautiful daughter, Sophie.
Alisa is a 12-year Breast Cancer Survivor.
She is an inspiration to me, and everyone who walks

Me with my friend, Jim.
Jim is walking in all 14 3Day walks around the country this year. San Francisco was his 6th walk. He's almost half way there. GO Jim!!

3Days, 60 Miles DONE!!
Our team walked arm-in-arm to closing ceremonies. We were all given shirts for participating: White shirts for the walkers, grey for the crew, pink for the survivors.
The survivors entered the ceremonies last, as all of the walkers raised their shoes in the air to honor them.

raising our shoes in honor of all of the survivors who walked with us

the circle of survivors raise the flag at the end of Closing Ceremonies
In the end, the 2011 San Francisco Bay Area Susan G. Komen 3Day for the Cure raised more than $3.9 Million. Our team, the Warming Hut Hotties raised over $176,000 and my supporters helped me raise $7,605. I couldn't be more proud to have had the opportunity to participate in this amazing event.
My deepest thanks to all who helped me during this amazing journey - my team, my friends, my family, and especially my husband. I love you all so much. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.