Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Found Art

This is odd, and fairly hilarious.

I was just going through an old photo album from 1990, and came across this, hidden amongst a bunch of other papers.

I have no idea what it's from, or why I did it. My only guess is perhaps I was coloring with my cousin who would've been about 7 years old at the time.

Still, I love that I printed my name, age and the date up top.

I have no idea if this is supposed to be a representation of an actual house or not. I'm guessing not, as I don't recognize it at all. It's nice, though, isn't it? Big drive way with a two car garage! Apparently, I have a dog, too! :)

Oh, and I love that the sun is shining and smiling.

I must've been pretty happy when I was 20 years old. :)


Just heard back from my sister that she remembers what this was all about:

think that i know the story of this one! If I remember correctly, Diana had us draw our ideal house. I remember doing this because mine looked exactly as I would have drawn a house at 5 years old! Does this ring a bell with either one of you?

...and Diana's reply:

I think this was an exercise from a Sociology of Happiness class that I was taking that year. I vaguely remember doing this! Great memory, Tiff!

Kudos to my sister!! She usually says that she doesn't have a good memory, but she totally pulled this one out!

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