Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy 32nd Birthday, Crissy!!

This bird never ceases to amaze me! Crissy turns 32 today!

32. That's over twice the age that we were told that cockatiels live. We've had her since she was 6 weeks old! Amazing.

Here's the most recent photo of Crissy that I have - taken about 3 weeks ago on my sister's birthday. Crissy is on the right, Bonsai is on the left. My sister is in the center. ;)

...and just for kicks, here's another photo of Crissy from two years ago when she celebrated her 30th birthday!

Happy Birthday, Crissy! You've got a whole lotta spunk, girl! :)


  1. Hi Trina

    i know this may be sensitive

    but is crissy still with us.

    if not, how much longer did she live.

    I have had cockatiels since i was 10, im now 31,

    I love your blog


    1. Hi, James-
      Sadly, Crissry passed away in February, 2014, just a week before her 34th Birthday. Thank you for asking.
