Friday, February 03, 2006

Some "Old School" Color Guard

I've been using our elliptical machine more since it's been raining, and can't get outside for my daily walks all the time.

A couple of months ago, I ordered the Fans Favorite 15 DVD from WGI. (volume 1) I have a color guard library (on VHS) that spans from 1979-1995 or so, but alas, I haven't been watching them lately. For some reason, Dick refuses to connect any of our VCRs - I think he's trying to keep my from watching my old color guard tapes!

I never owned the Fans Favorite Compilations before because, well, I already owned them all on one tape or another. AND none of the shows that I'm in are on any of them - not that I'm bitter, mind you ;).

Anyhow, I popped in my new DVD this morning while I was working out, and I made Dick sit in the room with me.

Cavaliers 1982 - The Jets Year.

I'm telling you - they just don't make 'em like that anymore.
Dick actually acknowledged that he liked watching this a lot more than any of the more recent shows that I've shown him.

Now, I'm going to sound like one of those old color guard hags - you know the ones... The ones we used to say should "get a life" when they used to come to shows 10 years after they aged-out. Yep, I'm one of them now.

I still go to WGI each year - strictly for social reasons, to catch up with my old friends. It's like a old college reunion for us. We all can hardly make it through one night of performances now! So sad - we really are getting old.

In My Day....

LOL. You all know what I mean. Well, any of you how were in my little color guard world, that is. The rest of you have no clue what I'm talking about, and probably stopped reading about 4 paragraphs ago.

So, I sat (or worked out) and watched Cavaliers 1982, Skylarks 1983, Erte Productions 1985, Odyssey 1986, Royal Guardsmen 1986, and Union High School 1987.

Those were they days.... I suppose it's because I've watched those shows hundreds of times each, and still know them by heart. I have a special group of friends who can all say the same thing. We're a dying breed, but we still exist.

My color guard years (1982-1995) were the equivalent to what most people think of their college years. They were some of the best years, and most memorable experiences of my life. I made some of my very best friends during those years, and they made me who I am today. I think the reason why I like to watch these old shows so much is because they just bring back floods of memories - the good, the bad, and the ones with the big hair.

My name is Trina, and I am a big 'ol old school color guard geek. I suppose some things will never change.

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