Thursday, February 02, 2006

Another Doctors Appointment

I had my first appointment with my new GP today. It went really well. What struck me the most was how very thorough she was. I'm so accustomed to being a patient at Kaiser where you see one doctor for this, and another for that. For example, I had a GP, an OB-GYN, and a Neurlogist.

When Dick and I got married, and I was put onto his medical insurance, I just assumed that I was supposed to find a new doctor for each of these fields.

I had my first appointment with my new OB-GYN last month which went well, and haven't yet been able to make an appointment with a new Neurologist.

My new GP asked me this morning for all medications that I take, so that she could arrange for my new prescriptions. This kind of blew my mind, because prescription refills were really the only reasons why I tried to find new doctors for each field. I haven't had to actually see my Neurologist at Kaiser for over 5 years, because my condition seems to have been stabilized, but I need to know that I can still get my medication refilled. Since my new GP can refill my prescriptions, and I'm sure that she can refer me to another neurologist if the need arises, I think I may back down from making an appointment with a new one, since I don't really need to. Make sense? Or, am I missing something here?

Anyhow, I really like my new GP. She was very cool, and seemed to be very thorough.

I also found out that I'm actually taller than I thought! I thought I was just under 5'3", (but still in the 5'2" range) but today I measured in at 5' 3.5"! Whoo Hoo. (this helps, when my husband is 6'2"). I also weighed in heavier than I would have liked, but, as we all know, all scales are evil, and they should all be destroyed ;)

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