Monday, August 29, 2005

What happens in San Francisco, stays in San Francisco....

What a very, very fun (and mostly wedding-related) weekend!

First of all, Dick and all of his entourage flew off to Vegas for his Bachelor Party. They were gone from Friday afternoon through Sunday afternoon. From what I understand, they all had a great time, and Dick is ready to go back again!

My Mom and I had a really nice mother/daughter day on Friday. We went to both of my first dress fittings - one for my wedding dress, the another for my cheongsam (Chinese Dress). I was reminded of how short I am - the only alterations that my wedding dress needed was about 6 inches off the bottom! :)

My Mom spent the night with me Friday night (which is always fun). We had blueberry pancakes for breakfast, then went to a meeting with our caterer in South San Francisco. We had to pick out the linens and china for the wedding. (ah - the details)

I had a spectacular Saturday night with my friends Lora and Paula. Since the guys were in Vegas all weekend, Lora and Paula through together a very spontaneous Bachlorette Party for me! I had told Lora months and months ago that I really didn't want to typical Bachelorette party - bar hopping, game-playing, penis-sippy-cup-toting, etc., Just not in to it. Instead, I'd told her that I'd love a girls night in - fun dinner, movies, jammies, chatting.... and that's exactly what we did! Lora had us over for a fabulous dinner of many cheeses, fruits, salamis, and white wine. Paula brought over a bottle of pink sparkling wine, and made her famous chocolate fondue - with strawberries, bananas and apples. YUM It was really fun, and perfect, and just my speed.

The highlight of the night was when Lora gave me my present. She had trekked over to the Castro that afternoon, and bought a bag full of bachelorette-party-style gag gifts. But the best part of a t-shirt that she had found way back in February. (I need to take a photo of it) It's a black t-shirt that has Big Block lettering that says "I Dick". This is, of course, the perfect bachelorette party gift, and was completely hysterical.

But, that wasn't the best part....

The best part was when the three of us when downstairs to the front lobby of Lora's building. We were all wearing pajamas/sweats, and asked the security guard to take a photos of all of us, with me wearing my new t-shirt. If that wasn't funny enough, we took one photo with Lora's camera phone, and sent the photo to the guys in Vegas. We knew they would be sitting down to dinner around that time, and they would all be together. They got a good laugh out of it.

That's about when Lora sent Dick a text-message on his phone stating, "What happens in San Francisco, stays in San Francisco...." :)

Sunday was another terrific day. My wonderful sister threw me a "high tea" bridal shower today :) We had it at my parents house in Milpitas. My amazing Uncle Bill, who works in the food-service industry, catered the entire event, and it was truly spectacular. The food was amazing, and was simply beautiful! We had a house full of people - about 30 women, both family and close friends. I had a wonderful time, and send out huge "thank yous" and love to my sister, my parents, and everyone else who helped put it all together. Thanks to all who came as well - I think everyone had a good time.

One would think that I'd be exhausted after all of this.... I did get to bed at a decent time Sunday night, but found myself wide awake again by 3:30am. So, what do I do when I'm up in the middle of the night? I get up and blog!

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