Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The most amazing return policy ever

I just had the most amazing shopping experience!

My friend, Vivian, gave me a very nice birthday gift a couple of months ago. It was some products from a local Castro store called Nancy Boy. The store is on Market, between Castro and Noe. Dick and I have passed it often and looked inside the windows, but never went it. They have a catchy phrase on their window that I always remember: Tested on boyfriends, not animals. cute.

Vivian gave me some really nice items, but I was afraid they were things that I wouldn't actually use ( Linen water- which I think I would like, but I don't think Dick would enjoy sleeping in lavender-scented sheets). I thought I'd go check out the store, and exchange my gifts for products that I know I'd use (salt scrub and body wash - for those of you keeping track).

I walked into the store, and the very nice sales person saidt he exchange would be no problem at all - he told me to go ahead, walk around the store, and find something that I would like. He told me that my store credit was around $36.00.

So I walked around, found the items that I wanted (totalling $30) and came back to the register. He exchanged my products, and gave me the difference in cash. (always nice)

Now, here's the really amazing part:

He asked me, "Do you have any friends or family who you think would enjoy these products that you're returning?"

I answered, "Yes - a friend of mine actually gave them to me. I'm sure a lot of my friends would enjoy it"

Then he told me to please take the original items back, and share them with friends who will enjoy them.

That's their return policy!

(shakes head in disbelief)


So, that's the amazing return policy store.

Now I feel it is my duty to share the story with all of you, and recommend this great, neighborhood store:

Nancy Boy
2319 Market Street
SF, CA 94114

I suppose I should atually *use* the products first, but I've gotta say - so far they smell really great!

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