Dick and I needed to go to the SPCA to pick up more prescription food for Olive. We usually like to take Wallace with us when we go to the SPCA because he enjoys visiting the people there who helped us adopt him last year.
We were very lucky today! Several people were working today who either directly helped with Wallace while he was there, or who at least remember him. We were very happy to see Dirk, the volunteer coordinator, who had taken care of Wallce in his office for a few days when Wallace was first brought in. Dirk had told us before that Wallace was very sad when he first arrived, and that Dirk spent a lot of time with him trying to regain his will to live. :( We have seen Dirk at our local dog park a couple of times in the last few months (lucky for us, he recognized Wallace by name!) and Wallace is always happy to see him.
We saw at least 6 other employees/volunteers who when re-introduced to Wallace, remembered him from his time at the SPCA before we adopted him. All of them had a similar reaction: they were so happy to see him so healthy and happy, and also were surprised by how much he had grown since May.
It was such a nice visit! Wallace felt like a superstar, and loved all of the attention. It was also really nice for Dick and I to see how many people at the SPCA remember him from last Spring. Dirk told us that Wallace is a special dog, and one that many of the staff would remember. :)
PS: I also found out that Dirk reads my blog to see updates on Wallace! "Hi, Dirk!" :)
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