The first security camera that we bought is the "Ring" Video Doorbell. We've heard a lot of good things about this system, so we're hopeful that it's a good solution for our needs. The device replaces your doorbell button. It has a motion sensor and a camera, and connects to an app on your smartphone.
The motion sensor will pick up movement within a designated range, will alert you on your phone and then will start a video recording. When you are alerted on your phone, you can automatically see who is at your door via the fish-eye lens of the camera.
If someone rings your doorbell, the motion sensor would have already picked their motion up and will be recording, but it also enables you to talk to the person at your door. This may be helpful whether or not you are home.
We just finished setting it up about an hour ago (quick setup) and I'm documenting our experience here.
The out of the box experience is fairly impressive. It literally comes with everything you'll need to install it (down to a screwdriver bit and a level tool!).
Packaging - these guys took a lesson from Apple. Nice packaging.
What's in the box: everything you need to install!

Connecting to our home WiFi and the Ring App on our smartphone
pairing the new device to our WiFi
Installation was fairly straightforward (for Dick, at least. I couldn't have done it on my own).
Dick took off the old doorbell, put up the new plate, made sure it was level, screwed it in, connected the wires, and mounted the unit.
Taking off the old doorbell button
putting in the new Ring plate
screwing in the new plate, and making sure it is level
connecting the wires to the new system
mounting the new Ring unit
Set up was pretty easy, although we're still trying to fine tune the settings for the motion detector.
The Ring will pick up any motion coming up our stairs, alert us (via the app on our smartphones) and record a video.
If someone rings the doorbell, we are also alerted via our phone apps, and can talk with the person at the door, regardless if we're home or not.
The new Ring unit communicating with us (the ring around the button is lit).
this is a still that I grabbed from the video of Dick at the door
the mobile phone app interface
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