They were super sweet and invited me out on a dessert excursion this afternoon!
We actually started off at glassybaby in Madrona, which was right around the corner from Dessert Stop #1: Molly Moons! We each ordered a kid's sized scoop, knowing what was still in store for us, and that we had to pace ourselves.
First Stop: Molly Moons!
Hopped in the car, and just a couple of miles away was stop #2: Bakery Nouveau
Gina and I continued to attempt to pace ourselves by sharing one Twice-Baked Chocolate Croissant. OMG.
Her sister and niece bought two pastries to split and brought some home.
Bakery Nouveau!
Just another few blocks away was Dessert Stop #3: The new Hot Cakes store in Capital Hill! This location just opened last week, and we've all been wanting to check it out. Plus, Capital Hill was a lot more convenient for today's trek than going all the way out to Ballard.
Gina's niece had a Molten Chocolate Cake, Gina had a cookie and her niece's ice cream, and her sister had a pot of caramel pudding (which I tasted, and it was amazing!). By this time, I was pretty stuff, so I nibbled on a cookie, and brought most of it home.
Hot Cakes in Capital Hill
What a fun and sugar-coma-inducing afternoon!! Poor Kaila passed out almost immediately in the car on the ride home. :)
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