I retired as a full-time color guard instructor in 1995. After that, I continued to help out a few guards (mostly for my friend, Mykail) for a few years on a much more temporary basis. He would usually have me help with his guards at a regional or two, maybe a weekend or two during the season, then join the guard at WGI for the week. It was really the best gig ever. I got to come in towards the end of the season, help clean a little here and there, help everyone get around in Dayton (since I knew the area so well), help by being the go-between between instructors and parents, but really, I got to be the cheerleader. I got to interact with the members, get them excited about nationals, help calm their nerves, and just have fun with them. Really. Best gig ever.
This is a photo that was posted tonight by a member of Indio High School, 1998. It was the last year that Indio had a WGI competitive winter guard. This show, these members, and that experience at WGI was one of my all time favorites as an instructor. They were a young group, they were fearless, and they were a ton of fun. They did an all-rifle show to music by Queen. The crowd loved them. They got a standing ovation at WGI finals. They were amazing.
I saw this photo tonight because one of my Facebook friends, Lee Carlson, was tagged in it, as he was their director that year, so it showed up on my Facebook feed. I smiled when I saw that photo. I have such fond memories of those "kids" (because, they really were kids then), and that show. It's been 17 years, and I hadn't seen most of them since then (I saw a few at subsequent shows/WGIs after) and I thought I'd say "hi" and how much I enjoyed them and their show that year.
Here's the photo:
Indio High School, WGI 1998
..and here's the conversation thread that followed:
Seriously, this made my day.
Actually, it made my week.
It warmed my heart so much, and made my soul happy.
I really needed that.
This was such a special group, and I'm so pleased that I left a positive impression on them.
It's hard to believe that it's been 17 years. It was an absolute privilege to work with them that year, and I'm so honored to be remembered at all.
If you haven't ever seen Indio High School's 1998 show, do yourself a favor and watch it on WGI's Fan Network. They ended up placing 6th in Scholastic World Class Finals (I think they jumped up four or five places from Prelims!). Fantastic, fun, and memorable show!
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