We had the Kick-off Event for the 2014 Immediate Impact Walk at the Press Club Wine Bar in San Francisco today. It was a really great event - many of the walkers were there, as well as representatives from local beneficiaries. It was a great chance to have new people come who are interested in joining our walk to have a chance to talk with everyone, have questions answered, and to get more information. We had a few new people sign up - very exciting, and many more who are interested.
We had a really great turn out. The Press Club donated 10 percent of the final tab to the General Fund of our walk. Last I heard, we raised more than $1,000!
Linda and Tina organized a nice raffle drawing, and there was a representative from Stella and Dot selling jewelry (of which part of the sales were also donated to the walk).
It was a great event, and a great way to start us off on our new season. Our first training walk is next weekend!
Peggy, Linda and Tina speaking to the guests
nice turnout!
here are some of our walkers showing off the jewelry from Stella and Dot
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