Saturday's 20-mile Route
Here we go again! Today was the first day of the 2013 Immediate Impact Walk!
We met around 6:00am this morning, loaded everyone's gear into the truck, and started Opening Ceremonies at 6:30. Opening Ceremonies was very nice. Linda opened with a great speech, then asked two of our walkers to speak this morning: Beatrice, one of our new walkers, and Judy, one of our survivors, telling why they walk, and what this walk/experience had meant to them. Charisse (medical crew volunteer) read us the safety speech, Sandy described our two poles, and the ribbons on each, then Linda asked for all of our survivors to gather in a circle and the rest of us formed a larger circle around them.
Just an example of how dark (and foggy!) it was at 6:30am
circle of our survivors, with the rest of the group circling them
our survivors in the center
getting just a little bit lighter! Time for a group photo!
...and, we're off!
We walked through the Presidio, and up and down the Lands End trail.
We came out above the ruins of the Sutro Baths, near the Cliff House. It's a part of the trail that we had not walked on any training walks that I've been on, and was neat to see so early in the morning.
Sutro Bath Ruins
We walked along the Great Highway, which overlooks the Pacific Ocean!
along the Great Highway
We had our first RRR (Rest, Refuel, Rehydrate) Break at the Safeway. There weren't many bathroom stalls there, so I took a couple of friends to a MUNI Bus station (where I assume the MUNI Drivers can take breaks, and asked one of the MUNI drivers if he wouldn't mind opening one of the bathrooms for us. He was so nice, and appreciated what we were doing. He told us about the pink ribbon that he wears on his jacket, and who in his life has been affected by Breast Cancer.
Joseph, the nice MUNI driver who let us into their private bathrooms!
Renee, one of our fabulous crew members, showing off her big jugs (of water!)
Refuel, Rehydrate and Rest!
We continued walking along the Great Highway, then made our way in the sand dunes towards Fort Funstun.
Not looking very much like San Francisco
Fun in the sand
At Mile 10.3, we had our lunch break at Westlake Park in Lake Merced! It was wonderful to have a few people cheering us on here, and we all enjoyed a really delicious lunch.
Mary, and her baby Grandson!!
The Plum Girls are Back!
Munching on our lunches
Catriona and Trina showing off our matching water bottles to fill with electrolyte drinks
The matching purple girls
After Lunch, we walked through Lake Merced area, and we kept safe and sound the whole day long by our Moto Crew, Tamara and Joe!! (hmmm... no pictures of Joe today! I'll be sure to get one tomorrow!
Tamara, making friends with the construction guy
Tamara's decked out motorcycle
Something new for this year, that I just LOVE: we have a white white board with permanent letters that read, "Today, I am making an impact for", and we could write the names of people/organizations in whose memory or honor we are walking for this weekend. I love this idea.
...and you, and you, and YOU!
We are walking with TWO poles of ribbons this year. The green ribbons have names of each of the walkers and crew members, as well as the names of our beneficiaries. We were each given a white ribbon, and we were instructed to write the names of the people for whom we are walking on our ribbon. We'll carry these poles of ribbons with us each mile of our event this weekend.
here I am with one of the poles of ribbons
Carol, leading the group in a good stretch
Carol, stretching it out!
Nasi, getting in a good stretch!
The sun started to peek out in the afternoon, but it never really got too warm (which was nice). We ended our day at Stow Lake in Golden Gate Park, where we will meet up again tomorrow morning at 6:45 for Day Two!
the final leg of the day - through Golden Gate Park
our cheering crowd greeting us at the finish line of Day One!
Group Photo - walkers and crew - end of Day One! 20 Miles down, 35 more to go!!
today's stats
Today's Fitbit Stats
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