Dear Dad,
You are one of the best men I've ever known, and I'm so lucky to have you as my Dad. You have always been loving, and so supportive of your two daughters, and I can't thank you enough for that. You are a hard worker, a loyal friend, a loving husband and father, a great conversationalist, and a teacher of all things. You've opened your heart and home to so many of our friends and have become a role model for all of us. You are adventurous and live your life to the fullest. You love your family. I have so much love and respect for you.
I thank you for all the traits that I learned from you:
hard working, loyalty to friends and family, love of travel, the ability to write well (after all those years, your red pen worked!), the joy of taking of photos and capturing moments, confidence, humor, and love.
I'll even thank you for those "special" traits that I got from you:
-my habit of mixing up words/making up words/forgetting words - I find this happening to me more and more as I get older. I laugh at it now, because it reminds me of you.
-high tolerance for pain - who knew we shared this trait?! Very helpful when it comes to surgery!
-Chow Legs - I know I've often given you grief for this. As the only girl of the Chow family (including cousins) who inherited our short, muscular legs, I've learned to love them. These Chow legs are strong and sure, and have brought us both through endless miles of adventures!
I love you, Dad.
Thanks for being the best Father that a girl could ever wish for.
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