Today, on our way back from Asheville to Chapel Hill, we made a stop in Greensboro, NC to drop into the Replacements, LTD Showroom and Warehouse Tour! I've known about this company for a number of years, and have been wanting to visit it for awhile. Dick's father lives in Burlington, which is only a few miles away from Greensboro. We had some extra time this afternoon and thought it would be a good day to check it out.
I'm so glad we did! It was fantastic!
The Replacements LTD is a company that has been around for over 30 years. The idea is that you can find a replacement for virtually any piece of china, dishware, collectables, etc., It's a great way to complete a china set, replace broken or lost pieces, or have a piece restored. The company facility is over 500,000 sq feet! It is HUGE!
We arrived just in time to go our a company tour, which started in the showroom, then went through the entire (enormous) warehouse, as well as the offices, shipping area, etc., The entire tour took around 45 minutes.
It was a fantastic tour. We were very impressed with the space, as well as the company.
I took a bunch of photos, because really, it would be the best way to describe the enormous space and inventory.
the front entrance to the showroom
we made it just in time for a tour!
Our tour guide, beginning the tour in the showroom
The "Great Wall of China" :)
These are the most commonly sought china patterns
I was quickly able to find my parent's china set!
Part of the main warehouse - shows you just a peak at how many aisles and aisles of inventory that they have!
I believe this was the inspection area
more aisles of inventory - all categorized and organized by row, and shelf
The shipping dept.
another part of the warehouse where the most common items are stored
This whole aisle was full of Spode's Christmas Tree pattern
boxes of product from the manufacturers, before being sorted
The most colorful wall of shelves - the Fiesta Ware!
Banners marking commemorative company anniversaries
samples of chipped or broken pieces and how they are repaired
repaired and polished Silver pieces
The Replacements LTD Museums - the most rare pieces in the company
An antique cash register in the showroom. All of the furniture in the showroom which display the products are all antique.
If you're ever in the area, I highly recommend stopping in for a tour. We were so glad that we did.
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