Some info about Bikram Yoga (from Wikipedia):
Bikram Yoga, is a system of yoga that Bikram Choudhury synthesized from traditional hatha yoga techniques and popularized beginning in the early 1970s. Bikram Yoga sessions run for exactly 90 minutes and consist of a set series of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises. Bikram Yoga is ideally practiced in a room heated to 105°F (≈ 40.6°C) with a humidity of 40%, and is the most popular form of hot yoga (a series of yoga poses done in a heated room).
The reason I stopped doing it was because I remembered that I didn't like heat. ;)
I also didn't think much of the instructor at the time, so it was easy to stop going.
Carol has been talking to me about Bikram Yoga for quite some time. When she mentioned to me a couple of weeks ago that Mike was interested in trying a class, I told her I might be interested in joining them. (everything is more fun with friends!) She saw the Bikram Studio near my house while she was visiting, and did some research on it, and found that it was a good studio. Once she mentioned taking a class at this studio, I was in!
The new owner has had his business there for about nine years, and made many major changes to the studio. The setting is very peaceful and serene. He also changed out the heating vents with heating panels, which I think made the heat much more bearable for me. Most importantly, I really enjoyed the personality and style of the instructor/owner. I thought he did a great balance of instruction as well as explaining to the new people in class.
We all had a good time in class today, and Mike and I were both glad that we didn't pass out. (actually, we both felt pretty good the whole time, so that was never a real problem today.) I sweated like I've never sweated before, though - but in a good way. :)
I bought a $20 intro pass, which is good for unlimited visits during 7 days. We'll have guests in from out of town for the next several days, so the next chance I'll have to go is next Tuesday or Wednesday. I think I'd like to try it again.
Carol enjoyed the studio so much that she said she may come up again (it's about an hour drive for her) to take another class there. Mike enjoyed it too, and I think he'll try to come back.
Here's the website for the studio that we went to: Bikram Yoga Castro.
Mike, Trina (of the freakishly enormous head) and Carol - Before
awarded "Hottest Yoga Studio" ;)
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