My friend, Sherilyn (whom I have called "Bear" since we were in Junior High) was in town for a quick visit today. We had a nice lunch together, then a quick shopping stop at one of her favorite stores, Uni Qlo. I had never heard of this store before, but Sheri was a big fan ever since she discovered it in Tokyo. Apparently, it had recently opened in SF in Union Square, so we went to check it out.
The highlight of our day was when we found a "photo booth" (not actually a booth, but a a computer screen with a camera) for customers to take 4 photos.
Now, the last time that Sheri and I had taken a photo together in a photo booth was at Great America sometime around 1983! It was a polaroid print, even! I still have it somewhere, but alas, not digitized on my computer.
I remember the photo well though, and it looks pretty darn similar to the first photo that we posed for today (bottom left on the print-out). We had such a good time taking these photos. I'm pretty sure our cackling was heard throughout the store. Some things never change.
The screen asked for our email address before we took the photos, so I put mine in, and we assumed that a copy of the photos would be emailed to us. I kept checking my phone, looking for an email. Eventually, I went back to the little photo booth set up and discovered a little slot on the side of the machine with a pile of photos! Apparently, I'm not the only one who didn't realize that actual photos would be printed out!
So, here are our hilarious photos. We didn't do anything too goofy, but trust me when I tell you that we were laughing the entire time.
BTW: Uni Qlo is a pretty neat store. Lots of great, basics, at great prices!
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