Saturday's 12-mile route
Saturday's 12-mile training was was fantastic, but HOT! (by San Francisco standards, of course!)
We met at 7:00 from the Transit Cafe in the Presidio. It was already in the mid-60s and temps reached the mid-80s by the early afternoon.
The walk was beautiful, and we walked by many of San Francisco's beautiful landmarks. So many photo-worthy sites, I couldn't resist!
We also walked UP and DOWN many, many stairs and hills. The toughest part of the walk was when we walked up the 4 steep blocks of Broadway Street - the stairs were in the direct sun, and we had no option of walking in the shade. Once we all made it up, and back down, we found a Walgreens where we were able to cool down a bit while we bought extra water and electrolyte drinks. Everyone felt much better after that.
Linda and several of the other usual training walk leaders weren't able to make it that day, so I was asked to "lead" the group. That meant that for once, I actually kept my map out with me at all times! :) Linda created a wonderful route for us, and was mindful of not making it too complicated. Much of our walk was spent between Chestnut Street and later on Broadway.
Our small(ish) group of 13 walkers sure did have a great time with each other! It was an adventure, as always!
After walking up the Chestnut Stairs, this is the view we had of Alcatraz, from Hyde Street
Walking down the crooked part of Lombard Street! You can see Coit Tower in the distance. That's where we're heading next!
Looking up at Lombard Street from the bottom
The early morning view of the Bay Bridge from Telegraph Hill
Group Shot on Telegraph Hill, in front of Coit Tower (minus Allison, who wanted to sit and rest a little longer - you can see her coming down the stairs behind us!)
Climbing down the the Greenwich Street Stairs - unfortunately, we didn't see any large flocks of the Wild Parrots
Down, down, down....
Lunch break at the Ferry Building!
View of the Bay Bridge from along the Embarcadero
Say "Hello" to Alycia!!
Passing by City Lights Bookstore in North Beach!
...and a random Chinese Deli in Chinatown
here we go.... UP, UP, UP the Broadway Street Stairs!
Continuing to climb UP Broadway Street!
The elevation graph from Saturday's Walk
Saturday's walk stats
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