Saturday's 10+ mile route
Yesterday's 10-mile walk was really beautiful, and much sunnier than expected. We did one of my favorite routes - Crissy Field, through Fisherman's Wharf, along the Embarcadero, break at the Ferry Building, through the Financial District, skimming through Chinatown and North Beach, through the Marina and back into the Presidio.
It should be noted that it was the walk of the BEST bathroom breaks!! The beautiful Argonaut Hotel (always a Hottie-Favorite!, the Ferry Building and a really cute Starbucks in the Presidio! This is the thing - when you've been walking as many miles for as many years as the Hotties have been, you learn where all of the best, cleanest and nicest public bathrooms in San Francisco are. ;)
One of the highlights of the morning was definitely when we came upon the tents for the "Big Gay 10K". It turns out that Hottie Tanzeem's Brother, Moshibar and his partner, Will, were both running. We managed to find them pretty easily, and took this great group shot.
The Hotties supporting the Big Gay 10K!
As I mentioned, our 1/2-way break (which is usually also a food break) was at the Ferry Building - always exciting for great food options!! As usual, I went to the Acme Bread Co. for one of their yummy chocolate croissants. The cheese wheel is also a favorite amongst our crowd.
The lovely Alisa trying out her first Cheese Wheel
After our lunch break, we headed through the Financial District, where Hottie Monica works and takes her week-day walks. She shared with us the stairs that she routinely climbed and invited us to go off course to take in a few steep hills and stairs.
Sandy, Tanzeem and I joined Monica for the challenge of adding TWO HUGE steep hills/stairs to our planned route before the Broadway stairs. Crazy? Yes.
Tanzeem conquering the first steep flight of stairs
Sandy and Monica climbing up-up-up!! See that stairs leading up on the left side of all that greenery? Yep, that's the second flight of stairs that we added on!
We rejoined the rest of the group at the top of the Broadway Stairs.
After walking along Chestnut street, we went into the Presidio and had our last pit stop at the Starbucks near ILM. Super cute Starbucks with comfy chairs!
Tanzeem and Buffy relaxing in the chaise
It was a really nice 10-mile route, which was a nice break after doing 40 miles last weekend. :)
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