Today's not-so-accurate-on-this-map 16-mile walk
This morning, I was back for my first training walk with the Warming Hut Hotties in over a month! I wasn't able to do any training walks in the month of May since I needed to be home to take care of Dick. He's more mobile these days - still wearing the immobilizer, but able to walk without crutches. This makes going up and down the stairs a whole lot less treacherous (for me to watch, at least).
This morning, we met at 6:30am, and walked across the Golden Gate Bridge, into Sausalito, and back. Unfortunately, the GPS app on my iPhone was a little screwy this morning, and decided to track my milage from my house, rather than from the starting point of our walk. So, even though it shows up as a nearly 18.5 mile walk, it was really more like 15-16 miles (according to other walker's GPS devices).
The Golden Gate Bridge at 6:30am. I was so happy that it wasn't fogged in!
Fellow Hottie, and Birthday Girl, Alycia, decided to celebrate her birthday morning by providing route support for us on our long walk. (Thank you, Alycia!) Her husband (of 25 years!) also came along to help out and talk pictures.
The Amazing Alycia and her Wonderfully Supportive Husband
We crossed the Golden Gate Bridge from about 7:00am-7:30am. It's so nice and peaceful to walk the bridge at that time of the day. (It wouldn't be nearly so nice and peaceful later in the afternoon when we returned.)
Walking across the Golden Gate Bridge.
Watching the sun rise over San Francisco and Alcatraz from the Golden Gate Bridge
Alycia amazed us with her route support goodies! Fresh fruit, cheese, nutella, rice krispy treats and yes, even cupcakes!! WOW!!
Alycia's Route Support Spread!
Alycia sharing her rice krispy treats with Linda
We walked all the way to the Mollie Stones grocery store in Sausalito, had a quick lunch break (around 10:00am), then turned back around. We walked across a much-busier, and much more windy Golden Gate Bridge on our way back to Crissy Field.
Nice view of the bridge from the Marin side
Carol was also walking with us today! Yay, Carol! It was so nice to catch up with her. We can chat for hours, and hours, and miles upon miles... :)
Hottie Guard Girls
We arrived back at Crissy Field around 12:30 - half an hour earlier than what was scheduled! The walk today was (mostly) flat, without many stop signs or traffic lights, so it went a bit quicker than usual.
Confused GPS - subtract about 3 miles!
Another great training walk with the Hotties. This one was particularly lovely.
Tomorrow, we'll be heading out for another 12-miles!
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