It never ceases to amaze us when she decides to pick up a new habit.
Noe has been very sweet about keeping Dick company most of the days (he's still recovering from his knee surgery, and is most comfortable lying and propped up in bed.). Noe is usually either snuggled up on the bed next to him, or curled up in a ball somewhere nearby on the bed.
Just last week, she decided to start burrowing underneath the sheets/comforter of our bed, after Dick steps away for a few minutes. She almost got squished by Dick when he was getting ready to flop by onto the bed on Friday - luckily, he noticed the little lump in the covers, and realized it was her right before he sat down.
Now Dick and I know that Noe may be burrowed underneath our covers, and we're remembering to look out for her before lying down. She appears to only do this on Dick's side of the bed, right after he gets up.
Dick just found Noe like this, and we couldn't resist taking some pictures.
Little cutie-pie!
Dick refused to give us his side of the bed for a cute little kitty. We lifted the comforter on my side of the bed, Dick picked her up, and moved her a few inches over, and covered her up again.
She didn't seem to mind a bit. :)
It's a good little kitty life.
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