Dick and I love our house, but the one big thing that it's missing is a garage. No garage, no parking.
Street parking isn't too bad - we did that for several years, but we certainly can have problems when the neighborhood is busy on weekends, and evenings.
We lucked out (really) and found a garage space to rent a couple of years ago. It's true that we pay a lot of money for it, but since it's a small, tight spot that only a small car like a MINI can fit in, we were lucky and pay much less than the average garage rental in our neighborhood.
The garage has worked out really well for us, and we have a good relationship with our landlord.
Earlier this year, the landlord of the building decided to rent out 2 of his apartments as vacation rentals. Luckily, this didn't affect us at all, as the rental units did not come with parking, so we were able to keep our spot.
I think that our landlord and his wife are on vacation at the moment.
Wednesday, I found a note on my windshield from someone renting one of the units. She asked she could park in the garage Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during the daytime, and left her phone number. I didn't find this note until late Wednesday afternoon, and was out late that night, so I didn't call her until yesterday morning. I left her a voice message saying that no, it wouldn't be okay, since I would need to get in and out of my spot throughout the day. (I gave her the benefit of the doubt, figuring that she was assuming that I work away from home, and that my car would be out all day.)
Yesterday afternoon, I found this note on my car.
No, this is not okay.
When I got this note, there wasn't any other car parked in the garage, so it kind of wasn't an issue, although I certainly didn't like it (the landlord's car is in there, and also had the same note left on it).
I had to take Dick to the airport early this morning. We had a hunch that there might be another car in the garage this morning, blocking my car. We knew it would be early, and that we wouldn't have time to deal with it, so we took Dick's car instead.
When I came back at 8:15, I checked the garage, and here's what I found.
this is really not okay
Turned out we were right to take Dick's car this morning, or this would've been a mess.
So, I took these photos, and just emailed them to our garage landlord.
I'm assuming that this was not an arrangement that they made with him, as I don't think he would have approved, and if he did, he certainly would have let me know.
I'm going out now, and need to take my car to pick up a friend. I'm guessing a phone call will have to be made.
Not happy having to deal with this.
So, I went back out to the garage at 9:00. I had an appointment I had to get to. Sure enough, the car was still parked there. I was plenty upset about this already, and had to call the two numbers left on the note.
Well, wouldn't you know it - neither person picked up, and I had to leave voice mail messages.
So, I called one of the other numbers left on the note. That person answered, but said she was not the owner of the car in the garage, didn't know the people, and didn't know how to get a hold of them.
Lucky for me, (and they don't need to know this) Dick is out of town, and I was able to use his car (after I walked back home, switched keys, wrote an angry email to my landlord).
This is infuriating!
1 comment:
So what went on between the landlord & the vacationer? I can think of a few choice things to say. . .
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