Green Bumper (my phone is black, instead of the white phone pictured here)
I've had my iPhone 4 for four weeks now. When I bought it at the Apple Store, I asked to see if they had any cases available. They only had one at the time, an off-brand that I didn't recognize, in a style that I didn't much care for.
I knew I'd want a case ASAP, as I remember that I always thought my old phone was a little too slip-prone without one.
Dick was up in Seattle at the time, and told me that several of his friends up there had bought the Bumper case by Apple. He said it was a fine case, and thought I would like it.
That weekend, I called around to all of the local Apple Stores in my area, and none of them had any bumpers in stock. I figured it would be just as easy at this point to just order one online through Apple.
I ordered the lime green bumper. At the time that I ordered it (June 27th) it wasn't expected to be shipped until July 16th. That was too bad, as I had two trips planned before then, but I figured I'd just wait it out, and try my best not to drop my phone.
Well, of course the phone was delivered while I was out of town. I just picked it up from Fed Ex today.
The bumper is actually more substantial than I had expected, which is a good thing. It certainly helps with the general grippiness - I don't feel like it's going to slip out of my hand now.
It also makes a difference with the reception. Now I don't have to worry about holding my phone "the wrong way". (thanks, Steve)
While I was away last week, it was announced that Apple will reimburse any customer who buys a bumper for their phone - their solution to the antenna problem.
I'm really glad that I placed my order when I did. When I went to the Apple site today, I noticed (not surprisingly) that all colors/models of the iPhone 4 bumpers are currently unavailable. I imagine they are going to be quite popular items for a while.
Currently Unavailable
Just received this email
How convenient. :)
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