Goal: $2,300.00
Achieved: $2,375.00
Oh, my goodness.
This is just amazing.
Earlier this evening, only 8 days after I sent out my pledge email, I reached my goal of raising $2,300 for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure Walk that I'll be participating in this October.
8 Days.
I am amazed and humbled by the support and generosity of my friends and family.
My most sincere thanks and gratitude for all of the donations that you've made. I clearly could not do this without you.
What's also amazing is that I sent that email out to select contacts in my regular address book, but I also posted my progress and a link to my donation page on my Facebook page. About 1/3 of the people who donated so far were unsolicited friends on Facebook. Thank you!
The walk isn't until the first weekend of October, giving me more than four more months to fund raise. I'm going to raise the level of my goal even higher tomorrow - there is no limit to the amount of money that we can raise to help in the fight against breast cancer.
But for tonight, I'm going to enjoy watching that little progress bar fill up to 100%, and I thank everyone who donated for helping me reach this goal so quickly.
You've filled my heart and you've inspired me.
I am honored to be representing all of you when I walk in October.
Still want to donate?
Click here to go to my fund-raising page
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