It's been almost five years since we got our non-stick 12" frying pan. We use it at least once or twice a week, sometimes more.
Over time, it began to lose some of it's non-stick qualities. It never went away completely, but a non-stick pan isn't non-stick if it sticks, even just a little.
I remembered reading a long time ago that All Clad cookware comes with a lifetime warranty against any product defects. I didn't know if this included the non-stick surfaces or not, because I figured that was something that just wouldn't last forever.
I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask anyway, so I called All Clad a few weeks ago, and described my pan. They told me to send them the pan, along with a note with a description of the problem, and that they would review it. I asked if a non-non-stick pan was something that would be considered for replacement, and she said it certainly would.
I figured we didn't have anything to lose, so I wrote a nice letter describing my pans non-non-stickiness, along with how long we've had it, and how we use it. As instructed, I boxed it up, and sent it with a confirmation of delivery to All Clad's return center in New Jersey.
I tracked my package, which took less than a week to get to them. That was about two weeks ago.
Yesterday, the nice UPS man delivered a brand-spanking-new 12" non-stick frying pan!
I wonder how many people have had the non-stick surface wear down over time, but don't know or don't bother to send their pans in for review.
I was already a huge fan, but now I'm loving All Clad even more!
Thanks, All Clad!
(and see, you even got a nice blog write up!)
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