Proof that I'm not crazy
Okay - so my Mom and I have a annual ritual of going to MacWorld together every January. We've been doing this since 1985 - unless I was living out of the area.
Everyone knows that MacWorld SF is always the first or second week of January, right?
I always register early - as soon as I'm notified that registration is open - so I can qualify for a free pass into the exhibit hall (which is the only thing I go for anyway).
Earlier this week, I found my email confirmation printout, and put it in my purse so I wouldn't forget to bring it with me (you need this to get your exhibition badge at the expo).
My Mom and I had planned to go today, Thursday.
When we spoke about it earlier in the week, we both acknowledged that we hadn't seen anything about it in the local news, but figured it was because Apple wasn't going to be present this year (a first) and because of that, there wouldn't be any special keynote speech or special announcements. I chalked it up to being low-key, and was going in with low expectations.
I'll even say that I decided to check on to verify the dates, since I hadn't seen/heard anything about the expo. The landing page didn't have anything, but it did have a list of the 2010 Eddy Award Winners (Mac World Expo award winners, which are announced at MacWorld Expo each year) so again, I figured they were being low-key.
I planned on meeting my Mom at 11:00 this morning for breakfast/lunch, then we'd head to Moscone together. I put a status update on my Facebook account, mentioning I where I was going. Right before I was about to leave out my door, a friend of mine (Thanks, Thuy-Anh!) told me that she thought it wasn't until February.
Now, this news didn't shock me, because I thought this whole lack-of-information-thing. I went back to the site - still nothing, but I thought to look for a section called Mac World Expo 2010.
MacWorld 2010: February 9-13
there it is!
So, I chuckled, and called my Mom - who was already on BART...
"Uh, Mom... I just found out that MacWorld isn't until February..."
So, she decided to just come on over to my house. She hasn't been over in a while, anyhow.
Honestly, this was good timing....
Just last night, I started to watch an Oprah show that was talking about the new show called "Hoarders". I haven't actually seen the Hoarders show, but the footage of it that Oprah showed was enough to inspire me to do a big purge of the "stuff" that's cluttered in my upstairs (extra) kitchen.
Dick and I just did a big clothing/electronics purge this weekend. (10 bags of clothing - just from me) and a whole bunch of old electronics - including the first Tivo Dick had bought about 11 years ago!
So, we're in the purging mood, and who better to help out, than my parents!
My Mom suggested that I call my Dad (who is retired now, by the way) and have him come over to help (he loves to purge/clear out/organize).
Yep - big change of plans for the day, but I have a feeling that this day is going to become so much more productive now!
Stay tuned!
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