I've been wondering about this for a while now: Who are YOU?.
According to my web hosting company's usage statistics report, my site gets an average of over 5,000 hits per day (sometimes higher). The average amount of daily visits (which I assume means individual users) is 800-1000.
This seems astronomically high to me.
Who are all these people?
Some of these hits are for my regular web site, which has my business portfolio, resume, art projects, etc., There's also still a fair amount of hits for my Raggedy Ann Collection page as well (800/month). But, by and large, the most hits have been for my blog.
I used to assume that the only people reading my blog were friends and family. I mean, who else would read it, right? I've since received numerous comments or emails from people who found me through my blog. These are people I don't know who either found my blog through search engines, or perhaps through other blogs that I am now linked to. I recently had a comment come from a reader in Japan!
I find this most fascinating.
I'd really like to know WHO is reading this?
So, here comes the audience participatory part of this blog post:
If you're reading this, please send me an email, or leave a comment to this post. I'd love to know who you are! Even if you've never left a message before, please do so now. Even if you've never met me, or even if you have, please let me know who you are, where you're from, and (if you'd like) how you came to read my blog.
This should be interesting!
Thanks for playing!
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