Happy Pride Weekend.
(a.k.a. one of 3 weekends when we don't move our cars)
I took a quick walk around the neighborhood this morning. I had to go to the bank, drop off a prescription, etc.,
This is Pride weekend, so Castro Street is pretty packed. I thought I'd extend my walk to see what's going on in the neighborhood. There's a lot of people, a lot of balloons, lots of music, et.,
But, here's the topper:
As I walked past our local pet store, I noticed something new. All week, they had a window display of little plush dogs wearing rainbow-colored angel wings. Today, there was disco music blaring out of the store, and the little dogs were replaced...wait for it...with topless men, in go-go shorts, wearing the same rainbow wings. Now, I wouldn't have thought anything of this if it were almost any other store, but, um..... It's the pet store!
I couldn't help myself. I had to take a picture :)
Only in San Francisco, and only in The Castro...
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