Together we'll break these chains of love
Oh, what a night! What a great concert. What a fantastic venue to see a concert! I know I said that I enjoyed The Police concert a couple of weeks back, but frankly, this concert experience blew that one out of the water.
This concert was alive and full of heart. The performers that we saw were all amazing. The show started at 7:00, but we didn't get there until 8:30 - just in time to see Debbie Harry wrap up her last song. Luckily, we were in time to see Rosie O'Donnell take the stage. I admit it, I'm a huge Rosie fan. Have been for a long time. It was pretty cool to see her performing stand-up.
Next up was Erasure!! Oh, I love Erasure. I've been listening to them since the late 80s, and haven't stopped. The Innocents is still one of my top 10 favorite albums. I've always wanted to see them live in concert. They were fantastic. They sounded great (how can their lead singer still sound that good after all these years?), and they are such great performers. Brought back many a memory from my old gay-bar days in Ohio.
Margaret Cho was the host for the evening, and I know that we had missed one of her earlier sets, which is really too bad. We did see her do a skit though, and she was hysterical! Love her.
Last up was the woman who put this whole show together - Cyndi Lauper. Again, I've always enjoyed her, and appreciated her immense talent. But let me tell you, seeing her live is unbelievable. Girl can sing! She's got the chops. What a voice. And talk about heart. (and, she's hysterically funny.) Her love for what she was doing and for the community was just enormous. What an incredible performance.
I left the evening feeling "even more gay" - a sentiment that I heard several times from many people. Seriously, there's nothing like seeing a concert with Cyndi Lauper, Erasure, Margaret Cho and Rosie O'Donnell with a bunch of gays. I felt so very much in my element. Actually, between seeing this concert, and re-reading the last few books of the Tales of the City series, I kind of feel like a gay man trapped in the 80s. (But, what a fun place to be!)
Here's a review (and photos!) of the concert from sfgate.