I love a good urban hike!
Today, we set a new personal best by walking over 8 miles!
We left the house at Noon, and returned home at 5:00. When we left our house, we had no plan of where we were going, or how far we wanted to go. We just walked....
Around 1:00, we found ourselves on Eddy Street near Fillmore. I asked Dick, "You know what we're near, right?" He knew exactly what I was talking about! We turned onto Eddy Street, and stopped at Powell's Place for lunch! For those of you who have never been, Powell's Place is the place in SF for Soul Food. Yep. Fried Chicken, greens, and yams. It was delicious!
After lunch, we walked all the way to Pacific Heights, down to Chestnut Street. We even managed to squeeze in a few open houses in Cow Hollow!
We thought we'd make our way back up Van Ness Street to Market, then take the MUNI back Castro Street. As we were walking down Van Ness, I suddenly felt the need to complete the full loop of our walk - something we'd never done before. We took another break at a cool little bohemian cafe in Hayes Valley. Two drinks, and a chocolate chip cookie later, we were back on our feet, and walked back home.
So, we walked a little more than 8 miles in total. I'm feeling really good right now. It felt so good to really stretch our legs and breath in the fresh air all day. I'm sure we'll sleep well tonight! (and not feeling at all guilty about the fried chicken and chocolate chip cookie!)
sidenote: I always really feel really good about ourselves after Dick and I complete a big, urban hike.
...and then I remember that Tyler walked the entire length of Japan in 3 months straight!
It's really humbling to compare, because there's really no comparison at all! Oh well - I still feel good! :)
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