Sarah's first friends
It reminded me of all of the "first best friends" that I've seen in my own family. The stuffed animal, or doll that you became especially attached to as a child. The one who went everywhere with you. The one was became worn down, and extra floppy with love. (Just like the Velveteen Rabbit!)
My favorite doll growing up (hands down) was "Raggie". My Mom had Raggie made for me for my fifth birthday. It was love at first sight. She was immediately my favorite doll (and believe me, there was a lot of competition!) and I took her everywhere with me. Raggie still has a special place in my heart, and a special place of honor in my Raggedy Ann display case.
My sister's favorite doll was a floppy little rabbit named Frieda. My sister has had Frieda since she was a baby. Over the years, Frieda has had the wires pulled out of her ears, and her wiskers pulled out of her head, but she hung in there, and still lives in my sister's room in my parent's house!
Baby Tiffini & Frieda 1968
Xmas 1977 - Trina with Raggie, and Tiffini with Frieda
My cousin, Cheri (who is now 22) always carried around a little floppy dog named "Dog-Dog". Dog-Dog, like Frieda became more and more floppy and skinny through the years. I remember Dog-Dog had to have several "operations" where he had to have new stuffing put in him. When we found early photos of Cheri and Dog-Dog, he was so plump, we hardly recognized him!
Cheri and Dog-Dog - 1985
My Mom's favorite friend was a stuffed rabbit named "Tudoy". (I'm totally guessing on the spelling) It's pronounced "Too-Doi" and means "Rabbit" in Chinese. Like all of our other favorite friends, Tudoy became more floppy and worn with age, but that never stopped my Mom from loving him. At one point, she saved Tudoy from the terrible fate of a garbage can! I grew up with Tudoy living on a shelf in my bedroom at my parent's house. He still lives there.
Barbara and Tudoy - circa 1950
I can trace my family's love of stuffed animals all the way back to my Grandma (my Maternal Grandmother). Grandma always loved stuffed animals, and still does.
Grandma Chan (on the right, with her sister on the left) holding a teddy bear circa 1930s
My Grandparents still keep a small collection of stuffed animals on their sofa. (I can see the a-ha moment that you're experiencing! Yes, this is where I got it from!) My Grandma has been known to make little clothes for them (from hand-knit sweaters, to over-alls). Their favorite is a tiny little bear whom my Grandpa named "Half Pint".
Half Pint, dressed in his summer clothes
Here's to all of the soft, and floppy friends that we grew up with. The ones who were always there for us. The ones who we told our secrets to, and cried to at night. The ones who listened to us every day, and made us feel better with a simple smile.
No matter how old, or how young you are, it's good to always remember your first friend.
Who was yours?
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