I wrote a blog post back in May about the original theatrical releases of the original trilogy of Star Wars being released in September.
That day was yesterday. I hadn't done any research prior to going to the store to see what I could expect from the new DVD release.
What I saw was such a disappointment.
I should preface this by stating that I'm a Star Wars Geek. I know I am. I'm also a Star Wars purist. I wanted to see Star Wars (Episodes IV-VI) unedited, the way they were shown when they were first released in theaters. I never really liked all of the "digitally enhanced" additions - I especially didn't like when they added a bunch of fluff into the scenes that were never really there. I mean really, do we need to see a jawa fumbling, and falling down a tall creature when Ben and Luke go to Mos Eisley? Silly stuff.
So, here were my expectations. (because I didn't do any research)
I thought George Lucas and Co. had finally listened to the die-hard/purist fans. I thought they were finally going to release a DVD set for the Unedited, Original Theatrical Versions. I had thought that it would be packaged as such.
Here's what I found.
Each movie is being sold separately. Not in sets.
The new cover stresses the "Limited Time Special Edition" but the actual cover fails to mention "Original Theatrical Version".
But lo, there is a small sticker on top of the plastic wrap that says, "Limited Time Only: Includes The Digitally Remasterred Movie plus the Original Theatrical Version."
That's what got me: PLUS Original Theatrical Version.
Wasn't that the whole point of this new release?
Didn't all Star Wars fans already buy the Digitally Remastered Version with all of the extra scenes and special effects that we never really wanted?! What do you mean, Plus??!!
That was when the "uh-oh" popped into my head.
I turned the package around to read the contents:
Disc 1:
Star Wars: Episode IV with Commentary..... blah blah blah
Disc 2:
Original Theatrical (1977) version of Star Wars... blah blah blah
WHAT? Disc 2?!
Can you make it any more obvious that the original version was not the point of this new DVD release? Must you cram the New Digitally Remastered Version down our throats yet, once again?
I had some serious beef with this.
The purist in me put the DVD down, and walked out the store without purchase.
Shocking, I know.
It wasn't even about the money. I had first gone to Costco, where the price was $19.99/movie. I honestly would have been happy to pay that if the DVD was only of the Original Theatrical Version. The fact that they made me buy yet another copy of the New version just ticked me off. It made me second guess my decision of wanting to buy the new set at all.
My sister was with me yesterday, and had to listen to me bemoan about the lame DVD release all day.
I couldn't stop talking about how slighted I felt - George Lucas doesn't really care of about the original: he just released it to try to appease us, but he didn't do a good job. He never wanted to release the original version, and it shows.
Later in the day, we went into Best Buy because I wanted to find a CD.
There they were on the "New Releases" table.
The new "Limited Edition Star Wars" DVD were sitting there, taunting me with an even cheaper price of $16.99.
I picked them up, read the back again, and sighed.
I gave in.
I had to buy them. I really wanted the Original Version on DVD.
I've kept my VHS set all these years, refusing to give them up. Now at least I could have them on a better media.
I came home, and showed my new set to Dick. He had the same reaction that I did.
In a moment of blind optimism, I thought that maybe, just maybe the "Digitally Remastered" version on Disc 1 actually meant that they cleaned up and remastered the Original Version, sans extra scenes/special effects.
No such luck. As soon as I opened the packaging and read the Chapter Titles for both DVDs, I could tell that Disc 1 was indeed the lame, updated version.
The dead giveaway?
Chapter 24: Jabba the Hutt
Now any good Star Wars fan would tell you that that scene didn't exist in the original Star Wars. (It did, but it didn't. They filmed it with an actor, but cut it out. They later went in to digitally place in Jabba the Hutt (as we know him))
So then it was made clear: I know own 2 copies of the new, Digitally Enhanced version. Although, I'm not sure if the first version that I bought 2 years ago has the commentary... I'll have to check.
In my mind, here's how the Original Theatrical Versions should have been released:
One DVD set, with 3 Discs.
Each one with the original theatrical versions of the first 3 movies.
As it is now, the original theatrical version is in 4:3 Letterbox. It would have been nice if they could have converted it to 16:9.
As it is now, the original theatrical version is in Dolby 2.0 Surround. Dolby 5.1 Surround EX would have been nice.
Is this asking too much?
Oh, and I would've been happy paying the same price for my version, as what I just paid yesterday for the extra-bloated 2Disc set.
Again, I realize that Uncle George wasn't going to put in any extra time or $$ into adding these extra touches to the original theatrical versions. But, come on, George! Don't forget about those of us who grew up with the originals. We *want* the originals more than your updated versions. After all, it was the original versions that made you who you are today!
I can see from these reviews on amazon.com that I'm not the only disappointed fan out there.
Okay, I'll be hopping off my soap box now.
(My soap box is covered with my old Star Wars Trading cards decoupaged on all sides ;) )
(end Star Wars rant)
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