Last night, my sister and my 3 cousins came over for dinner.
We've been getting together for "Cousins Dinner" once or twice a year for several years now. It's a great tradition we have to get the 5 of us (with an occassional spouse, or S.O.) together for some quality cousins time.
I've always been quite amazed at how close the 5 of us are. There's a 16 year age-gap from the oldest to the youngest, but we all get along so well, and really enjoy each other's company. We're also very lucky that we all live in the Bay Area, and that we're able to see each other as often as we do. We often see each other at larger family gatherings, but it's special to all of us to see each other in a smaller/cousins only group.
I can't honestly remember when Cousins DInner started. I'm pretty sure my two youngest cousins, Kenneth & Cheri, were still in High School, maybe even younger.
Anyhow, I've always thought that this was such a wonderful tradition, and such a special relationship that we have. Everyone has such busy schedules these days, but I'm so glad that we are able to coordinate our calenders once or twice a year.
Bruce has just posted his (very funny) rendition of the evening on his blog. I may have beat him to the punch by posting before him, but he wins in the "witty" department! So funny (and more pictures, too!).
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