We took Muni down to the Montgomery Street Station to go to a fitness store that carried the Elliptical Machine that we're considering buying. (we had been talking for a couple of months about excercise plans, and got inspired by our work-outs in Maui)
We left the store around 1:00, and it was just a gorgeous day, so we decided to take a nice walk and soak in the sunshine.
First, we went to the Ferry Building. We walked around, grabbed a sandwich, and watched the ferrys come in and out. Then we walked all along the Embarcadero for a while. We passed Pier 39, and continued on to Geary Street.
From there, we thought it would be nice to walk through North Beach and Chinatown. Once we made our way to Chinatown, we figured we may as well go all the way through Union Square, and catch the MUNI train back home to the Castro Street Station.
The whole walk took less than 2 hours, which is pretty amazing considering the ground that we covered. When we stopped to think about it, it seemed much further than it felt at the time. Too bad I didn't wear a pedometer ;)
I think it felt like it was less because the majority of the walk was fairly flat until we reach Nob Hill. Either that, or we really got in shape while we were in Hawaii!
Dork that I am, I decided to map it out for all of you to see:
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